Long overdue post here, let's catch up on life for a moment.
Well, safe to say even with a hurricane, RRWT #0000000002 carried on with another 100% success/print rate. People came ready to build bots and many a bot was built! A big shout out and thanks goes out to the crew @ NextFab Studio for hosting us and letting us build through hurricane Irene. You guys are awesome! I hope we have a repeat course sometime in the near future
Another special thanks goes out to Jordan Miller and Chris Thompson of Hive76 hackerspace, without your time and dedication the class would not have happened. Thanks again, dudes!
Lastly, the most important folks, the students! Thanks for weathering the storm and my many mistakes throughout the build :P. Without you guys there would absolutely be no class. Thanks a lot for living on the bleeding edge and I hope you enjoy your new 3D printer.
So, you want a workshop for your hometown/city/hackerspace/whatever. Give me a shout out and we can work on making it happen. I'm willing to work with anyone, anywhere that 3d printers are wanted!
To get a glimpse of all the fun that unfolded during the workshop, feel free to visit NextFab Studio's Flickr stream.
So, what has been occupying me so much that its been a good few months since my last post? How about a change of jobs and a move across the country?! Yeah, I've left my post at Fab Lab Baltimore and the east coast for the mountains of the west! Where am I? Colorado!
I've recently been offered a position at a new 3D printer start up by the name of Aleph Objects, Inc., home of Lulzbot.com. Check us out for all your RepRap 3D printer needs!
If any of you are going to be at World Maker Faire NYC, I'll see you there! Until next time.